In light of eternity, our lives appear as brief moments. Yet we cannot comprehend the loving care God has for every single second of these lives. My hope is to give you a window into His love, joy and strength found in our ordinary days.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Ordination Service

At the 2012 Ohio Network Conference, Steve crossed another milestone in his life and ministry!
He, along with thirteen other candidates, received a confirmation of their calling and lives in ministry through ordination.  This process began after he was licensed in 2006 and included Biblical study, testing, an interview and a general proving of faithfulness in his life as a minister.
Pastor John Wootton shared a challenge during the service to continually carry the message of Christ, and remember the great honor it is to do so.
Later Larry and Ruthie Fletcher, our presbyters in Wooster, prayed with us.  Their daughter underwent many heart surgeries and complications as a child, so their prayers carried extra love and passion as they prayed for our family.
Pastor John, our Network Pastor and Steve's boss, giving encouragement and presenting Steve with a Bible.
The evening was even more special for Steve, because Bev was able to make it in from Washington State.  This night was a significant moment for her and Marc as well.  Thirty years ago, Steve was born after several years of prayer that God would give them a child.  They immediately dedicated him back to the Lord.  Now seeing him fulfill that calling is a precious thing.

I'll leave you with the pics I grabbed with some of my favorite people who were there that evening!
Blake was actually inpatient for chemo and a one night stay on the evening of ordination.  So mom took the day off of work to stay with the handsome little guy.
Bev and I had the fun of getting ready for a fancy shmancy evening in a hospital bathroom :)
My youth pastors, Luke and Ginger Meadows!
 Posing with one of my favorite people, Jamie Baxter!  Her husband Tom youth pastored at the church I attended during my college years.
College friends, Josh and Tasha Willaford.  Love hanging out with them!
Moments before service with my sweet friend Rebecca Welch, who was also receiving ordination that evening!

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