In light of eternity, our lives appear as brief moments. Yet we cannot comprehend the loving care God has for every single second of these lives. My hope is to give you a window into His love, joy and strength found in our ordinary days.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ode to Our Pegleg

The latter half of the summer was marked by the varying hues of Blake's casted right leg.
Blue:  Sheer excitement and a hospital bracelet accompanied his casting.  He had been in a lot of pain prior to having it stabilized.
Black:  For the wedding a large, black men's dress sock worked as camoflauge.
Green:  Cast #2 was an eye popping lime, complete with toe guard.
He's sitting right next to me now, so I grabbed a shot of my cutie with his bare leg!  What a relief!  He was truly wonderful about the whole experience.  Didn't complain much about the cast other than the occasional itch.  Rehab has been slow but steady.  After 10 days of continuing to crawl or limp along holding my hand, he is finally walking again!  Wednesday night at church he wanted to chase his friends so badly that he finally took off on his own.  He's got a hitch in his gitty up right now, but everyday it gets better.  Thanking God and praying that everything heals up perfectly.

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