In light of eternity, our lives appear as brief moments. Yet we cannot comprehend the loving care God has for every single second of these lives. My hope is to give you a window into His love, joy and strength found in our ordinary days.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Faithful Friends

Over the last few weeks we have had so many friends and family members rally to show their support.

 These photos are just the few we grabbed on our camera.  The grandmas took dozens more.

 They brought us food and picked out adorable gifts for Blake. 
 They've made us smile and given hugs when we cry.

Sporting their own "Beards for Blake"
Modeling one of my hat creations :)

 There have been phone calls, voicemails, texts and facebook messages that have come at just the right moment, containing just the right words.

And we have been spurred on in our faith through the prayers, Scriptures and words of Life reminding us of our great hope for Blake's future.

Blake with my cousin, Jason, who also survived a childhood Wilm's tumor.  A tumor was growing on his kidney and had spread to his heart.  Thirty years after surgery, radiation and chemo he is a walking bundle of hope and a testimony to the power of Jesus Christ.  So many prayers were offered up for him many years ago, just as we are doing today for Blake!  Praise God that He is greater than any diagnosis!
 Thank you for joining us on this journey.  We are all witnessing the power of God at work in this strong little boy.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thank You

3x5 Folded Card
View the entire collection of cards.
Just created some beautiful thank you cards to send out to the wonderful people in our lives who have overwhelmed us with their support.  God's love has surrounded us through the blessings of others.

Nationwide Children's Hospital

On the ordinary fall evening that our family entered Nationwide Children's Hospital, we had no idea we would remain there for the next 24 days.  Long enough to see the Christmas decorations appear.

During those long, sleepy days we found ways to sneak the comforts of home into our room.
Steve packed up the sock monkey, who was just the right size for snuggling.
Homemade Thanksgiving dinner from the Efries family.
Fruit snacks and fishing in the play room.
The staff and volunteers at Children's put their heart and soul into providing moments of beauty and cheer in the midst of terribly difficult times.
First post-surgery steps.
Doctors making their early morning rounds.

He was waiting to throw "snowballs" at his nurse, but fell asleep with ammunition in hand.

Listening to a Christmas concert in the hospital lobby.
 Play-time therapy is the best kind of recovery activity.
All of this made life bearable, until it was finally time to go home!

 Home to our own sweet little apartment, and beautiful Christmas decorations.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Surgery Miracles

As promised, I would like to share the story of how God worked on Thursday evening, November 17.  That was the night when Blake was whisked away from us for an emergency surgery.  The previous day he had undergone the original operation to remove a melon sized Wilms tumor growing on his right kidney, as well as the kidney itself.  The procedure was a success, but had caused a complication.

The vein that removes blood from the healthy left kidney had been damaged during the tumor removal.  Surgeons repaired it with a few stitches before closing him up.  Throughout the day that followed, Blake's urine production continually decreased.  This led the doctors to believe that something had gone wrong with that vein.

A vascular surgeon was called over from the OSU hospital.  He stopped by a few days after the surgery to check on Blake and share the Operating Room story.  This is what he reported,

As soon as Blake's incision was reopened, it was apparent that the kidney was purple and swollen three times its usual size.  A blood clot had formed at the site of the stitched up vein.  Blood was flowing into the kidney, only to remain trapped inside,

The surgical team set about removing the clot, which was very hard at that point.  First, they tried drawing it out with a catheter.  When that failed, they poked, prodded, even smacked it repeatedly with their fingers.  The clot would not budge.  After many attempts everyone stood back, racking their brains for a solution.  The surgeons were reluctant to give up, knowing that would mean losing the kidney, dialysis, and need of a transplant.

Then suddenly the clot broke loose - all on it's own!  (At this point in the story I said, "Thank God!"  To which the surgeon agreed it was divine intervention.)  He went on to share how he began to repair the vein, creating a new pathway and patching the broken vein in a way he had never done before.  As he was working, a younger doctor asked what he was doing.  Our surgeon replied, "I don't know."  Praise God for guiding the hands of this very gifted doctor!

He also shared that, once the repair was in place, the kidney immediately began to shrink and turn pink.  As he sat with us relaying all of these details, my heart sang with praise.  I thank God for protecting my son, for miraculously removing that clot and for guiding the doctor's hands.  Prayers that were lifted fervently across the globe, touched the heart of God and changed my son's future.  What a powerful story my boy now holds.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Fear.  Anguish.  Shock.  Held back tears.  Guilt.  Confusion.  An unexpected tidal wave crashed over our lives on Monday, November 14.  The doctor mustered all of her compassion to deliver the news, "Blake has a malignant kidney tumor.  Surgery will be needed immediately."  But all of the compassion in the world could not stop the sudden surge of emotion that followed.

The truth of what this meant pounded us relentlessly.  Test after test was taken , as swarms of doctors flooded our room.  Being parents of a child with cancer means you put on your bravest face and most convincing smile - when all the while the waters are rising too quickly.  You hide in the bathroom, gasping for air, as fear washes over you.

But then, I began to realize I wasn't drowning.  Somewhere, in the wake of the fear and confusion, I knew what it meant to really be brave.  Somehow, my smile became real - so full of love for our scared little boy who needed to know he was safe.  God is with me.  Jesus Christ is living in me, and I don't have to do this alone.

The waters are still rushing, and I still feel helplessly caught in the undercurrent.  But I know He's with me here.  I still hide in the bathroom and cry, but He sends the Holy Spirit to wrap me in love.  The aftermath is devastating, but we have hope.  The word "cancer" is powerful, but we've already seen that Jesus' death and resurrection makes his promise of healing greater than any tumor.

And so, this journey begins.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

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For the Grandparents:  An Easter video - just in time for Thanksgiving.  This is how I roll.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

20 Years Ago

My 3rd grade pic :)

There are so many things I wish I could tell this little girl.  And no, not just that her bangs and crimped hair combo are totally killer.  Mostly I wish I could say that even though every scrap of her faith is being tested, and her world is nothing like it was two short years before - life is going to turn out great.

Today is a completely ordinary day at my house.  Blake is finally over a week of sickness, Steve is at work, the dishwasher is my soundtrack as I clean up a week's worth of procrastinated chores.  Then suddenly, somewhere between Febreezing a pair of sneakers and sweeping the kitchen floor, the Holy Spirit spoke to me.  "Stop and look around.  You are blessed."

Our wedding day May 14, 2005
Like every child who endures her parent's divorce, I wasn't exactly sold on the idea of marriage.  But just look at that picture!  Guess I changed my mind!  Steve is the best thing that ever happened to me.  I love him, heart and soul, and I truly believe God has used him to continually strengthen me and to help me set aside the baggage of life.   

And then there was this day!  Anyone who has ever heard a doctor say, "You may have a tough time having children,"  knows the added joy that comes when you hold your baby for the first time.  Despite that pesky pituitary tumor, and with no problems at all, we had our very own baby boy!

My life is not perfect.  It doesn't need to be.  It is, however, blessed.  And I really do wish I could tell that little girl, twenty years ago, that everything will be OK.  But you know... I didn't need to.   There were so many people, my parents especially, who did everything they could to guide me through those rocky waters.  Teachers, family, friends, parents of my friends and pastors pushed me right into the arms of God.  So to any of you reading this who remember that little girl, I say, "Thank You!"  You were right.  Life turned out pretty great.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Family Wedding Fun

I found my cousin Jody, the groom, waiting outside the church when we pulled up.  I should have taken a picture of his shoes.  They were awesome!
 A few of the kiddos, my second cousins, right before the wedding.  Don't they look mischievous?
 Waiting for the bride to make her entrance
 Apparently that dose of mischief runs in the family...  Great picture of these two, and I've gotten a lot of mileage out of that bow tie.
 Little girls love weddings.
 Beautiful bride, Carissa!!!
 Hey, if all the grownups are blocking your view, then you gotta do what you gotta do to find a perch!
Taking prayer time seriously.

Loved seeing this new generation of McCleese kids having fun together.  And the wedding was so sweet.  Very happy for Jody and Cari!

Monday, September 12, 2011


While we were in Washington last week the weather was perfect.  Great chance to be out and about exploring the city and even the mountains this trip!
This picture is rough, but I still love it because we had so much fun at this restaurant, The 5 Spot.  We met up with my cousin Shane and his fiance Miranda.  The restaurant is one of their local faves, in Queen Anne.  Their menu completely changes every couple of months.  Throughout the year they serve food from 5 different parts of the country, hence the 5 Spot.  August was Portland fare and it was yummy!
As we left Queen Anne to head down to the market we passed a park with a gorgeous view of the city.  Steve got a "Go Brownies!" from a random guy downtown since he was sporting his Cleveland T-shirt.
Necessity for walking along the waterfront on a chilly morning.
Picking up fresh flowers in the market.  $5 for a beautiful bouquet - woot woot!
Took a drive over the mountains to visit our good friend Tyler.  The view of Rainier along the way was spectacular.
Stopped at Tipsoo Lake to find the spot where Steve proposed almost exactly 7 years ago!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

West Coast Family Fun

We closed out summer with a week visiting family in Washington State.  Steve's grandma was finishing up her trip to the northwest, so we got to spend a little time with her before she headed back to Arizona.
Of course Blake had lots of Grammy time...
...and Grampa time!

 Life is so much more fun when your cast is gone and you've got a new friend to play with.

But the boys weren't the only ones having fun!  Bev and I ventured into the world of cake pops.  These were our first attempts, and they are actually "oreo truffle" pops. 
A crazy delicious experiment.  We made a second batch covered in milk chocolate and sprinkled with sugar crystals.  I didn't snap any pictures of those since it was about midnight when we finished, and we were leaving the next day, but they were beautiful - and we came up with a way to dry them standing up.  Bev and I always find something to craft and make together.  One of my favorite parts of staying at their house, and she has so many ideas and supplies at our fingertips.  Fun!!!