In light of eternity, our lives appear as brief moments. Yet we cannot comprehend the loving care God has for every single second of these lives. My hope is to give you a window into His love, joy and strength found in our ordinary days.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fireman Blake

For the past year, Blake's love of all things fireman has only grown.  Grammy and Grampa made sure he was outfitted with the latest gear to fight all of his imaginary fire emergencies.

So when one of my personal heroes invited us to tour the Wilmington fire house, we just had to make the trip back to my hometown.
Dave was my high school Sunday school teacher.  He is crazy and fun and always showed so much love to the goofy bunch of teenagers I grew up with.
Blake wanted to wear the suit, boots and hat because, "I want them to think I'm a real fireman - not a kid."  He kept this "act like you've been there" persona going throughout the visit.  This kid cracks me up.
Learning how to use the big hose.
Fireman Dave is a genius because he told Blake that firemen have to study, take tests and work very hard to get the job.  My boy can now be motivated to work on his letters with a quick reminder of Dave's words.  Bonus!

Drumroll Please...

At then end of the crazy, fun and exhausting birthday party for Blake all of my family ended up back at our house.  We were all worn out from the ER trip prompted by Blake's tumble off of a picnic table.  So, I'm sure they were all wondering why I made them go outside to pose for a group picture.

Until...Steve made our special announcement!  Becca was one of the first to figure it out!

Grandma is making sure she understands what is going on.
Squeals of delight followed!
Terry teared up and Mom couldn't believe I hadn't told her earlier that week when I saw her.
Dad saying he knew it!

Hooray for a new little blessing to love!
Our precious gift from God has a due date of February 14, 2013.  A Valentine's Day baby to remind us of the great love we've been given.

Final Chemo!!!

 On Wednesday, June 27, the amazingly strong and precious Blake Patient headed to the hospital for his very last round of chemotherapy!
 Papaw was there, but he was very confused about how to wear the masks we all don during Blake's procedure.
 His reaction to Papaw's confusion.
 One of our all-time favorite people, Dr. Keri Streby.  Blake loves her.
 Dr. Streby survived pediatric cancer at age one.  She has a gentle and kind spirit, and is a fellow Christian.  We so appreciated her encouragement throughout Blake's treatment.
 Some of our church family from Capital City Church were able to make it.  Pastor Brent and Blake have the same face going.
 The budding photographer had to take a few shots of his own.  Mamaw was able to attend many of Blake's check ups and visit during hospital stays.  She is a wonderful mom and grandma.
 Waiting to get that last chemo.
 All finished and ringing the bell, loudly!
 Some of the great staff in the Oncology clinic.
All glory and honor to the only wise King, who strengthened and protected our family during the last nine months.  Praise you, Jesus, for protecting our son and pouring blessings out on all of us.  We will tell the story of your faithfulness to anyone who will listen.