For the past year, Blake's love of all things fireman has only grown. Grammy and Grampa made sure he was outfitted with the latest gear to fight all of his imaginary fire emergencies.
Dave was my high school Sunday school teacher. He is crazy and fun and always showed so much love to the goofy bunch of teenagers I grew up with.
Blake wanted to wear the suit, boots and hat because, "I want them to think I'm a real fireman - not a kid." He kept this "act like you've been there" persona going throughout the visit. This kid cracks me up.
Learning how to use the big hose.
Fireman Dave is a genius because he told Blake that firemen have to study, take tests and work very hard to get the job. My boy can now be motivated to work on his letters with a quick reminder of Dave's words. Bonus!
I'm so glad you updated your blog so we could see that cute little boy :) He looks great! You've been on quite the journey but I think the next 9 months will be a lot happier than the previous 9 months. We still think of you and pray for you -Moriah S